We also spent the weekend working on the garage. Here is Garry taking out the broken water softner.
Here's Tanner cleaning off the fridge we keep in the garage. (I know, it's quite a sight to behold: Tanner cleaning!!) Actually, he's quite a good helper and I can honestly say, he's the best of all my kids at helping me out!
During the second session of Saturday conference, we enlisted help to paint half of the garage, they were all excited and really good helpers. It went really fast.
After Cynjyn's bath with her new goodies, we had a little mother daughter bonding time and I painted her finger and toe nails. I had bought 4 new colors and she wanted to try each one out. Here's the toes.
Here's the fingers.
Garry painted the floor during the morning session of conference Sunday.
Cynjyn with a before shot.
Here's a during: Garry is applying the "sprinkles".
Here's the three young'uns with their favorite egg they did.
You can't see because of the flash, but C made an egg with it's tongue sticking out, just like she looks!
Taz's is a panorama on the life of Christ. A heart for how much he loves, Jesus and then if you keep turning the egg you see: Baby Jesus in a manger, Christ on the Cross and Christ resurrected. I loved his thoughtfulness.
After the sessions were over, we had FHE. Garry did a lesson with a test on how much they knew about Easter. They were pretty knowledgeable!! We didn't know the answer to "Why was Jesus trial at night?" Garry said he'd give a $1.00 to the first person who found the answer. We were all pouring through our scriptures and Talon googled it and found the answer. We never did find it in the scriptures, so if anyone knows a scriptural reference, we'd really like to know. (Google said it went against Jewish laws to have a trial at night). Of course for activity, we had an easter egg hunt. We do it the same every year. First Garry and I hide them, and everyone finds. Then Talon and Tiffany hide them and everyone finds, then Tanner, Taz and Cynjyn hide them and everyone finds.
The kids then love peeling the eggs, but they don't like eating them. Cynjyn wanted to try egg salad, so I made some. She liked it o.k. Talon and I are the only ones that will eat it on sandwiches for lunch though. Luckily, I'd made a banana cream pie for our Easter dinner dessert. Every liked that much better. (Our Easter dinner wasn't the typical. Garry made lettuce wraps and we're now making that our new ED tradition!!)
We did that same thing on our cement floor in our basement and loved it!
Seriously, I'm always exhausted just reading about all the things you guys accomplish!
I can hardly wait to see the garage! Or should I call it "bonus room"? Good and productive weekend. I thought the talks were all great, too! We had a lonely Easter--just the two of us and a blizzard outside! Depressing! But, I'm glad everyone else had a good Easter!
I also can't wait to see the outcome of the garage! Finish it soon so we aren't all in suspense!
1. Great garage floor paint job.
2. I don't understand not liking egg salad.
3. Kids and paint, scary combination.
4. The trial was a night because of fewer witnesses . . . (?)
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