This means nothing to me, but Talon was excited and wanted me to blog it. So here goes. Of course there is a story that goes with it and it's fairly long.

Talon has been having trouble with his knees. He could hardly move. Going up and down stairs was very painful. Finally, I convinced him to go into a Dr. He has some problems with the tendons and was sent to physical therophy which he's been going to for the past month and a half and was also told not to run, jump or do leg workouts, volleyball etc. So he's been going to PT for the past 6 weeks. He still goes to the gym to do his arm workouts though. And since he's Talon, he goes at 11:00 at night. Well, he went last night and this morning, he told me this story. He was doing his arm workouts and he felt a tap on his shoulder. A voice asked if he could join Talon in his workout. Talon turned around and there was Wanderlai Silva. He is a famous UFC fighter. So,,,Talon proceeded to workout with him. The chatted for about 15 min. Talon really wanted a picture with him. During their chat, people kept coming up to him and saying how much they liked him. He told Talon that is why he works out so late at night because if he was there during the day, he'd never get his workout in. So, then Talon felt it would be stupid to ask for a picture with him. He thanked Talon for doing the circut with him and went on his way. Talon was pretty happy today!!

That's awesome, Talon! I'm so excited for you and Clay will be too!
Great story! I'll bet he was REALLY excited (surprised he didn't wake you up to tell you!) Now he won't miss going every night!!
I have no idea who that is, but I'll bet Talon was pumped! I, on the other hand, would be horrified if someone that athletic wanted to work out with me :).
my husband is super jelouse...
That's cool. (not about the knees) Where does he work out at? I may change the time I go....or NOT.
Wow! That is so cool! It would be even cooler if I knew who the guy was. :)
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