Sunday, they rediscovered Twister and so I was the caller and they played about 4 games. That kids and I watched The Sound of Music. We forgot it was such a long movie and it got over about 10:30. But it was fine because...No school the next day!!
Monday morning, I made my homemade cracked wheat pancakes that everyone loves!
Later that day I made Tanner some Tapioca pudding since it's his favorite. Cynjyn thought it was so funny that I had my book propped up on a pot and was reading while stirring. She wanted to take a picture, so I said fine!
Cynjyn wanted to go to a "museum", so Monday I took her friend and her and the boys to the Bass Pro shops and we enjoyed looking around. We got there just as they were feeding the sting rays in the big aquarium, so that was fun to watch.
My plan all week was to prank the kids for April Fool's day by create papering them in their rooms. Well, that was foiled because Taz spent the night at Jaden's and Cynjyn spent the night at Becca's. Cynjn got home early and so I told her my idea and she wanted to do it. Talon was already at work, so Tanner was the victim. We were trying so hard to be quiet!
Cynj made a nice note to explain our efforts.
She knocked on his door and ran and I was there ready with the camera to catch his look of bewilderment as he experieced his opening of his door!!
Then Cynjyn and I were off to Joanne Wikle's for a day of sewing. I had seen my friend Chris had made purses with her 11 year old twins, so I thought it would be something fun for C to do. She also has a link to the instructions on her blog. This was C first time sewing and I pinned the pattern on and she helped cut a little, Joanne and I would pin everything and she did all the sewing. She really enjoyed it.
Sounds like you did what we did for Spring Break--just laid low and did some fun things at home. Love the purse! Make me one, Cynj (I have no patience for sewing)!
I never really thought of the Bass Pro Shop as being a "museum" but it looks like it was fun. Nice glasses, but the eye thing has sure taken a long time to heal!
your glasses u picked out make you look younger. I love the glasses gwen got. I think your mom looks 20 yrs yonger:)love the sewing project. Few of my daycare kids are sewing a quilt we are almost finished:) they would love cynjyn's purse.I will show them mon.
You guys can have fun, nice spring break.
cynjyn's purse turned out really cute!
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