Rock star day. Luckily, he had his Halloween costume to draw on for that one.
Here he is for sports jersey day. He wore Garry's Max Hall jersey, but he ended up leaving the crazy BYU hat in the car as he lost his nerve to wear that all day.
I had never seen Tanner so nervous. He went into the interview and when he came out, he told me his legs and arms were shaking so bad, he thought he was going to pass out and throw up. But, he passed and he's now an official Eagle Scout!! Yahoo, two down, one to go;)

Granpa wanted to get the kids going on some more of their $.50 piece coin collection, so he helped Taz put his originals in his book.

A few days later, he bought 10 rolls of $.50 pieces and we all sat around the table happily finding and adding to the kids collection. They all had a helper who would look at their checklist as they read off the dates on their coins to see if they already had it or not. It was cool and fun to add to the collections!

After we were done, Cynjyn said she needed some meditating time. So she turned off the light in the living roof and lit some candles and put some cushions on the floor and her and he best friend Eeyore meditated.

Pretty soon Mowgli joined them. C got up for a minute and he'd stolen her cushion, so she decided to "train' Mowgli and Eeyore how to meditate. It was adorable to watch it all unfold. We had a great time with our company and were very sad that it all had to end so soon. They left today because they had to be back to Boise by tomorrow for a Family History seminar. Such a great week!
Granpa wanted to get the kids going on some more of their $.50 piece coin collection, so he helped Taz put his originals in his book.
A few days later, he bought 10 rolls of $.50 pieces and we all sat around the table happily finding and adding to the kids collection. They all had a helper who would look at their checklist as they read off the dates on their coins to see if they already had it or not. It was cool and fun to add to the collections!
After we were done, Cynjyn said she needed some meditating time. So she turned off the light in the living roof and lit some candles and put some cushions on the floor and her and he best friend Eeyore meditated.
Pretty soon Mowgli joined them. C got up for a minute and he'd stolen her cushion, so she decided to "train' Mowgli and Eeyore how to meditate. It was adorable to watch it all unfold. We had a great time with our company and were very sad that it all had to end so soon. They left today because they had to be back to Boise by tomorrow for a Family History seminar. Such a great week!
What great parents you have! Looks like it was a great time for all of you.
That is super-grandparents. Congrats on the Eagle Scout!
Sounds like a fun week! Good job Tanner on finishing the eagle! Love Cynjyn's meditation--does she want to borrow my meditation stuff, lol?
hey this is ella i am sad i didnt come see u guys! it looked like u guys had fun without me :( just kidding!!!tell everyone i said hi and i love u!!!!! wish i could have meditated with cynj and them. i guess i will see u this summer! looking forward to it! bye!!!!
We had a great time--thanks for everything! We think we stayed just long enough not to "bore" you all! It was fun to see everyone and to support Tanner in his VB efforts and for his Board of review! Love you all!
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