Taz came home yesterday asking about 6 stanza poems. I was suspicious and asked why. He had a project due
TOMORROW that he got on Friday but conveniently forgot about over the weekend. So now it was rush time. This was 2:30 and we were leaving at 3:30 to go to Tanner's volleyball game at Foothill. He had to find and copy a 6 stanza poem, find it's tone, explain it's meaning and find the figurative language throughout the poem and draw pictures of each stanza. Luckily, thanks to some Shel Silverstein books upstairs we found the one and only 6 stanza poem in one of the three books of his we had!! It was about a kangaroo and it didn't have a lot of figurative language in it, but we pulled out three that may be questionable. We came up with a game plan and began. At 3:00 I got a phone call from the volleyball coach that Tanner had just thrown up on the bus and they had to leave and could I come get him? Luckily he had managed to throw up most of it into his
WATER BOTTLE (how you can do that is beyond me, my throw up usually goes everywhere, now that you're totally grossed out, I'll continue). So I ran and got him and Taz and I were relieved to have the whole night vball free to finish the project. We had to take a break and go out in the back yard when Tanner threw up in his bowl at the table we were working at...thanks Tanner!!

Anywhoo, we got it done at 8:00 pm!! So cute.

Friday night, we moved the old couch out into the garage as the new one was coming Saturday morning. Now, I have had many questions concerning the garage, so I'll try to answer them here. For Ron and Carol, we made a half wall because we still are using a portion of the garage as a garage, so we wanted a separation and we wanted to be able to back the couch with something sturdy so it wouldn't slide around. We are going to put up some funky curtains behind the wall to hide the garage part of the garage. For my extended family: We bought a swamp cooler for the room and Friday night we all sat out in the garage with the swamp cooler blowing and had a great time. Course, it was only 60 degrees outside, so it felt great, but we are hoping that it will cool the room enough during the heat of the summer to be bearable!

So, here's the new couch! We love the ottoman and we'd told Cynjyn that it would be big enough for her to sleep on , so that's why she's laying on it.

Luckily, our kids are grown enough that we don't need a lot of extra space in the living room for toys and stuff, because the couch and ottoman take up
A LOT of space!! We
LOVE it and enjoyed watching Harry Potter 4 together on Sunday and we were all quite comfy;)
We were wondering where you all were at the game! I hope he's feeling better today and it doesn't get passed on to anyone else in your family!
Nice couch!
Ahhh, kids and last-minute school projects--gotta love 'em!
Your new space looks great!
Yeah, totally grossed out about the throw-up in the bottle. Ewwww! Love the couch and thanks for explaining the half wall thing. Makes total sense now.
Poor Tanner, that's no fun. Hope you all don't catch it! I guess it kind of worked out for you guys though so you could finish the project! Love the new couch and garage! Can't wait to see it all in person.
NOW I see the rationale behind the half wall in the garage. Good idea! The last minute homework thing was my kids' specialty...
Loving the new room and furniture. Enjoy!
What in the world Tanner!!!
That couch looks so comfy!
The half wall thing is very creative.
Forgot to mention Taz' postr--adorable! Who's the artist? Hope Tanner is better!
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