Today was a very emotional and spiritual day for me. It was fast Sunday and last week at FHE, we had decided as a family to fast for several things that our family needed. We were going to fast for Talon's knees. They are not feeling much better and it looks like surgery might be his next option. Tiffany has a job interview for a job at Garry's work tomorrow. It is a full time job with great benefits and so we are fasting for her interview to go well. We decided to fast for my wrist as they are just hurting all the time due to arthritis and I can't open things and they are just bothersome. So, we were all going to church with these specific things on our minds. Of course it was fast Sunday too. Talon and I both got new callings today. I was put in as Young Women's secretary and Talon was made the President of the singles in our ward. We have several kids his age that are less active and we have a lot that go to our home ward as opposed to the singles ward, so they called the Van's in our ward to be in charge of the singles. Well, they made Talon the "president" over this little group. I was scared to death of my calling. I've never been in young women's and feel very inadequate. Luckily, it is secretary, so I'll be more of a support for the President. But still I was nervous. Well, we had a jam packed testimony meeting with tons of people going up to bear their testimonies. With only a few minutes left, two women were up there and all of sudden, Talon goes up!! Then a girl went up, it was already way late and time for Sac. meeting to be over, but Talon let the girl go then he went up and gave a simple, short testimony on how grateful he was for families and how his family stuck by him through all his trials as a teenager. Of course, I was balling by the time it was done. Then after Sac. meeting a lady who I visit teach and has had problems with her daughter came up to me and gave me a big hug and said she can't wait for her daughter to do that in a few years and how Talon's testimony gave her hope. So, I started crying again!! I went to YW and stayed in with the beehives and actually participated in the lessons which was on journals and related how I had been a big journal keeper at their age and how fun it is now to go back and look at old entries. After church, we went as a family to the bishops office to be set apart. I love our bishop. His blessing for me was very powerful. He said in it how hesitant they were to put me into another demanding calling after having served so faithfully in an already demanding calling, but that he knew without a doubt that I needed to be there to help not on the girls, but the women that were in that calling. Then oddly, he named each one in my family by name and basically gave them a mini blessing saying how this calling would affect each one of them for the better. Of course I was crying all through this blessing. Then it was Talon's turn and he said how much Talon had grown in his spirituality and how he was turning into a fine young man who would do great things in his life. I could not stop crying for that!! He said many more things about Talon too, but they were all good and very personal. Then, tonight at 5, we had our home teacher come over to help give Talon a blessing for his knees. He had asked for a blessing Monday, but we decided to fast this weekend and then get him one. Actually the bishop fasted with him and then commented on the knees in his blessing for Talon. Garry anointed the oil and Craig gave him the blessing. Talon has a huge testimony of fasting and blessings. I am so grateful for that. He has asked Garry and I to fast with him on several occasions for many things and he has asked for a lot of blessings too. So, I hope things go well for him in his new calling and with his knees. I really enjoyed being in young women's and think I will learn to love that calling. I am so grateful for principles of the gospel and the blessings they bring into our lives. I am also thankful to have been so touched by the spirit all day. In my blessing from the bishop he said that the veil between heaven and earth would be thinned for me during this calling and I would have a lot of spiritual experiences. Well, that has already happened today and I loved the feelings.
EEESH! That was quite the day. I've been having the opposite kinds of days lately, so it was nice to hear. Thanks for sharing!
It's funny to me what kinds of callings make you nervous. You're so good at every calling you do. You'll be great! Interesting blessing about the thinning of the veil.
Wow, what a neat day! I'm needing something like that lately. Guess we should do a family fast! You will be great in YWs. I wish I had you for my secretary!!! Good luck!
I love days like this one!
It's been a long time since I've had that kind of day. Thanks for sharing! You'll be great in YW--they will love how fun you are. Thanks for sharing about Talon--what a special day for him, too. Hope his knees get better!
Sounds like a great day and great blessings! My favorite callings have been as secretary, so I think you will enjoy it!
What a great day! I know you will be great in YW because you have so many fun ideas! Neat blessings!
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