The weather was so nice this past weekend...approaching 70, so after bowling the four of us went on a bike ride and ended up at the park and played two games of Bocce Ball! It was really fun.
Monday, we wanted to do something outdoors to. I heard on the news last week that the third Monday in January is the most depressing day of the year. It is after the holidays, everyone is back to work or school, there are now long periods of days with no vacations in sight, the weather is typically not good. They also said that the third Friday in June is the happiest day of the year, heading into nice weather, vactions and summer. Well, we all had a great 3rd Monday. We all had it off. In the morning, we went to Mt. Edge park and hiked up to the top of a little hill they have there. Cynjyn wasn't feeling well, but wanted to go anyway and was a trooper.
We got to the top and Garry discovered there was a geocache up there. We spent about 15 min. looking for that darn thing. Tanner and Cynjyn went to the very edge of the mountain,
Taz had the phone with the coordinates and was supposedly standing right on it. We never found it!!
The view was nice and the weather and company even nicer!
When we got back down to the park, we were on the hunt for another geocache. Taz and Tanner had a race to see who could get there the quickest.
Taz and I found a tree with humongous thorns on it! OUCH
Taz then went to the park with his friends for Lawson's bday and they went on a 4 mile bike ride and then to Lawson's house to watch a movie. When he got home, we all went to the church to help Tanner with his volleyball. Talon worked on jump serving with him and Garry worked with Taz. Cynjyn and I jogged around the building (Inside) and did almost a mile. I had a pedometer app on my phone. After that, we played a 5 inning game of kick ball, me Talon and Taz vs. Garry, Tanner and Cynjyn. They came back at the end from behind 6-9 and ended up winning. Then it was home to a delicious dinner of homemade zuppa and breadsticks! Not a depressing day for the Goon family!
And finally on the blog news front: Our ward/stake is participating in a multi-stake priest/laurel activity called "TheEvent". They had a speed date night a few weekends ago that Tanner went to and they are having some more activities all leading up to a 2011 Prom. It will be in March. The purpose of it is to show LDS teens how to go to a prom for minimal cost and have a great time. They are having a "dress" day where the laurels can go to a donation dress shop and find a free modest dress (we are asked to donate old prom or bridesmaid dresses, where's Ky and Krissy's when you need them!). And then they are having a "suit" shop where the priest can go get "gently used" suits to wear. They are going to pair up the priest and laurels if you're not brave enough to ask someone and they are going to have the kids go to members homes as a group for a nice elegant dinner that night before the dance. All this is supposed to be free (our stake is picking up the cost of corsages and other extras). So, Tanner is excited to go. He has been waiting for his good friend Rachel Mainor to turn 16. She did, on the 16th of January!! So he has been plotting to ask her to go with him. Last week he was having lunch at school with "the group" and some of the girls were suggesting that Tanner ask Rachel to TheEvent. Tanner replied "When pigs fly". He swears he didn't preplan it, but that gave him an idea how to ask her. So Tuesday after school, he went and got a helium tank and some pink balloons and decorated them as pigs. He put them on a pink ribbon and weighted them down. Then he made a sign that said: " I said that I would only ask you to the Dance if pigs flew. Well look pigs are flying! Will you go to the dance with me?"
He then took them to her door and dingdong ditched. Well, she called me Wednesday afternoon and said she wanted to reply to Tanner, but needed my help. Could I unlock his car door that night about 10 and she was going to come fill it with helium balloons and write on the windows. Her idea was to answer by having him open his car door and all the helium balloons would fly out and the balloon not filled with helium would remain with her answer which was "yes!". So, in this picture, you can see the red balloon on the seat that isn't filled with helium.
Fun times--you guys have fun ideas and pull them off. Way to go, Tanner! The ask and accept sounds like a lot of fun!
P90X is popular at my office--crazy people! I love the prom idea because I remember how expensive it was to have them go to a prom. I'd love to help you if you think there is anything I can do.
Madison told me about how Tanner asked Rachel - very cute and creative.
You look way motivated to me! I'm jealous of your gorgeous weather, can't wait to hear more about TheEvent, and cute skull leggings!
Whew, once again you guys have a lot going on! Sounds fun though (although I don't know if the p90x would be "fun", lol).
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