January 14, 2018
New year, new primary theme. As a stake Primary Presidency, we visit each ward in our stake on the second Sunday of the month which is their ward conference. We do sharing time for the ward presidencies. This year the Theme is I am a Child of God, so we decided to talk about the attributes of Christ and how we can develop them. We also decided to do singing time. We basically do an integrated sharing/singing time and take the full 40 min. Our secretary, Kendall and I switch off each teaching two songs during the sharing time: I do Tell me the Stories of Jesus and then teach them sign language to the chorus of Choose the Right Way. Kendall teaches I'll walk with you and I'm Trying to be Like Jesus. Toni, Shawna, Kendall and I each take an attribute of Christ (Toni, obedience, Shawna teaching, Kendall compassion and I service) and tell about it. Our handout this year is a small mirror on a big craft stick that has a sun and sticker on the back that says "Let others see Jesus in you". Kendall happened to be out of town our first conference in January, so it was just Shawna, me and Toni. But it's going well so far.

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