Thursday, August 6, 2020

COVID-19 April

So April was the first full month of stay at home orders. These are some things that happened during that month: I participated in a drive by birthday celebration for McKenna Borla. The kids worked hard on their virtual UNLV classes. We named our Rock Band band the Coronas and continued to play RB every night after dinner. Taz got Beatles RB for Easter so we added that to our mix of games to play. The grocery stores put signs all up cautioning us to stay 6 feet apart, plus wear masks and only go up and down certain isles. They also wiped down carts and had hand sanitizing stations at the entrances. General Conference was cool and unique. It was only held virtually. No audience or choirs. President Nelson lead us in the Hosanna shout at the end of the last session. We were to have white handkerchiefs if possible and we all waved them and did the shout. It was pretty emotional and amazing.

Taz did a t-shirt challenge. It was to put on a t-shirt in a hand stand position. It was called the Tom Holland challenge. Of course in true Taz fashion, he made it harder by putting on 5 t-shirts! Gas dropped below $2/gallon, but of course with non of us going anywhere, there wasn't much need to buy gas! We expanded our shelving in the family room to accommodate more of Jaxon and Camdyn's toys and our games. It is a slightly different color than our other ones, but we don't care and it isn't too noticeable. Garry had time to work on that. With non essential business's closed, my fingernails continued to grow and grow. I finally got to the point where I was filing them down so they wouldn't get too long and break off.

Cynjyn would randomly get little treats left on her door from friends. She also had quite the set up with work and school and she started bullet journaling too. Garry only got to work from home about a total of 4 days, but it was nice when he was here. He set up shop on the island. Talon would work a lot at the three squares and he would bring us leftover food from there. One time we got 5 dozen eggs, some chicken thighs and weird cauliflower french fries!

We had some weird COVID hair times. Taz has sworn not to cut his hair or shave until the pandemic is over. Tanner went green. Cynjyn bleached under her hair. She also did a weird thing for me where you braid a bath robe tie into your hair, sleep on it and it comes out curly the next day. Cynjyn made Easter cards for her and Taz's scout boys and made the cootie catchers and her and Taz signed them and mailed them out. We continued to entertain Jaxon with FHE on Sundays. We had cute IG stories and lines to get into Sam's. We did so many puzzles! I had Zoom RS presidency meetings. The Cicotelli's ding dong ditched me treats (my piano students).

Taz binge watched Smallville and Cynjyn would watch sometimes with him. I did a lot of scripture study with Come Follow Me and Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler on YouTube. My nails continued to grow and survive. Me, Toni, Andrea and Jen had a girls night out at Jen's house and stayed 6 feet apart! Cynjyn continued her projects and one night we took a ride down the strip. Garry had heard that it was pretty cool and it was!

Cynjyn decided she wanted to get some exercise by bike riding, so Taz got it down and set up for her and then she had to remember how to ride a bike again! We took advantage of no one being on the strip and did an early morning photo shoot at the LV sign. I took dinner to the Ausage's who were living in a motel while Tala, the husband was in the hospital with COVID. He was the first person we knew personally that got the virus. They had just been evicted from the home they were renting too. And that's what isolation looked like in April.

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