Tuesday, August 4, 2020

March little things

This is what I want to remember from March: My birthday present from Thelma. My shoe tan from the cruise. My love of doodling. We came back from the cruise and Tanner was sick. He'd missed the week of school and was feverish and coughing like me before I left. He had terrible mouth sores too. He just looked awful. He didn't want to miss more school, so he wore a mask whenever he was out in public. We all felt so bad for him! I have been using my Roomba every week and I love it. It is a lot of work though if I want it to thoroughly clean. I put all the chairs up and clean up the shoes and other stuff on the floor, but it's worth it and I love it.

One day I just had the urge to take a photo of the kids rooms as they were. Just something I wanted to remember since this stage will be over all too soon. Cynjyn, Tanner and Taz's current rooms. I went to lunch. I got my nails done. Garry had his company dinner this month and we went to that and once again, no gift cards were won! Dinner and games at Talons. Tanner and I played an organ piano duet at church and he wore a mask the whole time and tried not to have a coughing fit. He/we did great!

Taz and Tanner watching TV together, something that never happens (them watching TV and then together!) so that had to be documented. Garry tried a new chicken parm recipe with a new breading. We made homemade pizza and Garry made a big one. We usually have individual ones, but he was hungry, so he made a big one. So I told him to hold it so I could take a photo and he almost dropped it off the pan! He had to dig up our shared block wall because it was decaying. So our neighbor and us dug up, put a water repellent on our shared wall on each side and painted it to try and  stop/slow the damage. That took a couple of weeks to do. I still love our family Sunday dinners and when Garry makes assembly line subs.

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