Thursday, August 6, 2020

Quarantine Easter

Easter was interesting this year. Our ward primary decided to do a drive by Easter hunt. You could sign up to participate and you were asked to hide bunnies in your yard or create an Easter scene. Then at a designated time, ward members could drive by and look at what you created or try to find bunnies.  So of course I signed up! I also wanted to try my hand at decorating an Easter cake this year. I made a homemade chocolate cake with homemade Bavarian cream for the center. The cream looked weird in color and it was a little thick, but the cake was tasty. Tanner was a big help! Taz and Cynjyn hid these little peep bunnies I'd bought at Wal Mart. They were supposed to be a banner, but I cut them apart and used them individually. I wrangled Taz and Cynjyn to go with me to see the other houses that had participated. We had fun doing that and it was nice to see some of the ward members who were outside keeping their distance of course.

Easter Sunday, we woke up to find some goodies. Talon and Mikel came over and we decorated eggs. Jaxon loved it and really got into it. I made Easter baskets for the ladies I minister to and dropped them off at their door Easter morning.

Garry was a big help to me in designing my fondant for the Easter cake. But the ears just wouldn't stay up. I don't know that much about cakes, but the fondant just wasn't the right thing for that I guess. So in the photo, Tanner had to hold them up for me. But it still turned out cute and was delicious! It was a fun Easter!

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