I interupt this Flashback Friday for some very sad news. Last night while we were slumbering peacefully, someone stole Garry's 1994 Honda Civic from right in front of our house. It was there when we went to bed at 11:00pm, and Talon saw it when he walked Tiffany to her car at midnight. By 6:00 am when Garry went to leave for work, it was gone, without a trace!! The police came at 7:30 and took a report and told us that 80% of stolen vehicles in Las Vegas are recovered, so we are keeping our fingers crossed. We love that little car, especially Garry as his commute is clear across town and it got 35 mpg. So, keep your fingers crossed for us and lets all hope for the best!! Flashback Friday will return next week.
Oh no, not the Silca! We'll keep our fingers crossed that they recover it without much damage!
That's awful! What makes some scumbag think they have the right to take your car. When this kind of stuff happens, I always hope that someday they have the same thing happen to them so they know how it feels to be violated. I hope it returns safely to you soon.
Oh no! Let's hope yours is one of those returned in one piece, found parked after joy ridden, not wrecked after a hide speed chase. Not to ad worry to your sorrow....
We all feel violated,since everyone in the family has taken a turn driving that car! Good Luck! Get double lock on your doors at night!
That's crazy! I'm so sad too! That is such a good little car.
What color? Four or two door? License number? Any distinguishing markings, bumper stikcers? I wanna look for it.
Any word on the missing car?
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