This year I have been teaching preschool. I have 12 4-5 year olds. Toni (the angel in disguise) has been helping me. Everyone always gasps when they hear I have 12 kids, but I must say that this year has been just such fun. I have really enjoyed the group of kids and the fun times we've had. Today, we started a desert unit and so we went to the cactus gardens at Ethel M's for a field trip. Linda went with us and we had one girl absent, so two of us had 4 in our group and one had 3. It was a fun trip and I believe the kids enjoyed themselves. We saw tons of little lizards scurrying throughout the gardens and I am quite sure the kids had more fun watching them than looking at cactus! It looks like my conections with the groups of moms with preschool aged kids has waned and I don't have enough to do a group for next year. I am very sad about this. I have been teaching preschool for six years now and I truly enjoy it. I will be sad when this year ends in three weeks and wish that I had a group for next year:( Until it's over, I'm going to enjoy it all!

I used to do a mom's co-op type preschool for 2 and 3 year olds. It was so fun! Looks like a cute group of kids.
I'm considering doing preschool next year. There is a HUGE need here! I may give you a call and ask you about it sometime!
I'm betting word will get around and children will magically appear for next year! You always have so much fun!
Sounds like a fun field trip. Like mom said, I wouldn't give up yet on next year. More could sign up by next fall!
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