Cynjyn took a moment to bond with Sandler. She wanted to spend more time with him, but Sarah had him a lot too. Here they are playing with the water toys and Cohen is jumping in again!
Then he would jump with Lewis...
They perfected the jump by the end of the day.
After the swimming at our house, the Miranda's went home to their own celebration, and we and the Wikle's went to the Imlays for more swimming and a bbq. We left there a little before 7 and Tanner went to Star Trek with Jackson, Preston and Emily (they'd made the plan at the bbq) and the rest of us just relaxed the rest of the evening. I found a Land of the Lost marathon on TV and Taz watched a few episodes with me. He wants to see the new movie coming out and I was trying to explain to him about how we watched the show when we were little and I didn't remember it being a comedy. But after watching a few episodes with him, it was quite comical (because it was so old!) anywho, it was fun to watch a few!!
We had lots of fun! Thanks for having us over, and thanks for taking good pictures for us!
The Monkey Boys told me all about their jumping and swimming. I hear you have chocolate rocks--I just have plain old dirty ones. I'll have to come snack on rocks with you someday. :o)
I am soooo jeolous!! Quit having so much fun because it makes me wish I were there more than ever! Love Ya
Looks like a great time, super pics of the action. Brings back memories of how I'd jump, get out just to jump again and again, seemed to never tire of it.
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