When I was pregnant with Taz, Garth Brooks was still touring. I was due August 2 and Garry and I had got tickets to Garth's concert for August 15 for our anniversary which was going to be August 14. I had Talon 5 days early and I went into labor with Tanner on my due date. So we felt pretty confidant that Taz would come close to the 2nd. Well, in true Taz fashion, he didn't arrive until August 15!! This was Garth's last tour! I was sad I had to miss it. My mom and Krissy had come down to help me with the new baby and to watch Talon and Tanner while Garry and I were in the hospital. Well, they used the tickets and hired a babysitter to watch the boys while they enjoyed Garth's concert!!!! I have wanted to see him ever since. We heard he was doing some shows in Vegas over the course of a three year period. Garry tried to get us tickets, Talon and Tiffany tried to get me tickets for my birthday, I sat in a virtual room for over two hours waiting to try to get tickets. Garry had called me a couple of weeks ago and said he could get us two tickets for $500.00 and did I think it was worth it. I said no of course, but still I really wanted to see him. Well, Saturday around 2:30, my friend Lea called and asked what I was doing that night. I said nothing, just tithing settlement at 7:45. She said, well, do you like Garth Brooks? Oh, my GOODNESS, my heart started to beat fast and I squealed YES!! No, Lea works at the Wynn, so I knew what was coming. She said she had comped tickets for that night, but her boss wouldn't let her have it off because she didn't give enough notice and she wanted someone to have them that actually liked Garth! I said, Oh my gosh, yes, I love him!! So, I hung up the phone and started screaming and jumping up and down and hugging Taz and dancing!! I couldn't catch my breath and had some tears! Woowoo, I was going to see Garth...FINALLY!!

I had the golden tickets! The show was at 10:30, he didn't come onstage though until a little before 11. He was amazing. He basically told the story of his life through music that had influenced him through the years. It was just him and his guitar and during the whole time, he only played three of his songs, most of the songs were songs that had influenced him. At the end he took 4 requests from the audience and during the middle, his wife Trisha Yearwood came out and did a duet with him. That was it. The show got over at 1:00 and we were home in bed by 1:30 am. Garry and I really enjoyed it, but I must say, I am so glad I didn't pay $500.00 to see him! I got a picture of his guitar waiting for him to come on.

As the end he got a standing O and Garry asked for the camera quickly and so I pulled it out and he snapped this picture and then they were gone. It really is Garth and Trisha, I promise!! Thanks Lea!!!!

I'm shedding happy tears for you! That's so exciting I can hardly stand it!
So fun that the tickets were free! I can't imagine paying $500 for tickets to any show even Garth.
That is so sweet--what a nice friend! But, I have to admit I started laughing when I saw the blurry picture. You've waited all this time and you ended up with a blurry picture, but what a fun memory you'll have!
Good for you, Kim. I know you have always resented the fact that Krissy and I got to go and you didn't!! One of your lifelong dreams has come true! On another note, please bring your links back so I can view the cousin's blogs!
I'm very happy for you, as I know you were happy for me and not at all resentful that I got to use those tickets of yours all those years ago :). Hey, I keep telling you you got Taz out of the deal and all we got was to watch a really great concert, lol! It's funny because all the pictures I took during the concert I went to turned out exactly like yours--totally blurry and unreadable!
Oh my goodness..I do miss you guys!
How stinkin' cool is that. I saw his interview on Oprah and he looked like he was giving an awesome show at the Wynn. He just looks like "good people".
Enjoy the sunshine for us!!!
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