Last night I hosted book club. The book was Breaking Dawn and so, of course, we had to have themed food with it. Luckily when I got home from teaching preschool that morning, the air was on fixed and beginning to cool down the house!! Anyway, I digress...After preschool, I whipped up a batch of "Seth's cinnamon rolls" (by the way, I was out of powdered sugar and knew Tanner was on his way home from school, so I put my last batch of rolls in the oven and ran to the store to get the sugar...yep, you guessed it, Tanner got home late, the buzzer was already going off, Tanner took them out and they were burned...BOOHOO) I was trying to make enough so that everyone could have a "center" one! But I had got 12 out of the first batch, so I was good. I also served "Bella's eggs" (deviled eggs were easiest. I almost made a quiche, but since I'd never made one, I chickened out at the last minute). A bowl of Paul and Jacob's Doritos, and "Renesmee's favored drink"

-- Looked like blood, in reality though, Cranberry Crystal Light and 7-Up! The night ended with a good discussion, good food and a fun visit with "the girls"!! Don't ya just love book club!

Chris, Jen, me, Natalie and Maranda, after the discussion.

Sherry and Toni (Taz was the photographer and this one turned out a little blury, sorry)

Natalie and Maranda, with April.
Well, I would love a book club, too, if I could find one that read good books and had decent discussions! fun tghemed food!
Megan just started reading the series, maybe she'll get me hooked. My neices are all vampire phynatics (sp?) == so maybe I'll join them.
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