Friday, our air conditioner died. It was so hot as I was cooking homemade pizzas in the OVEN!! We called Gibson Air first thing Saturday morning, but we'd have to pay overtime if they came on a weekend (even though the owner is a personal friend:() So we suffered through the weekend (average daytime temps were around 106). We even had the elders over for dinner on Sunday and a lesson for Tiffany. They taught the discussion out by the pool because it was cooler out there than inside. Monday morning we got them on the phone and got them here and of course as luck would have it, we had to replace the whole unit. Well, it is 14 years old, so we figured that was coming. So, $8,000.00 later, we still don't have air. They could only do so much yesterday, but are here now as we speak and promise me a cool house by tonight. Well, we finally got smart and had the kids sleep downstairs last night with the slider door open a little and three fans blowing around the room. Talon went to Tiffany's because he couldn't take another night and he is doing training up by her house for work. Hopefully all will go well today and we'll be sleeping cooler tonight!
Oh man, not good news!
I would literally be dead by now, or at a hotel!!!
A high price to pay to live in the dessert that's for sure!!! We hardly used our AC this summer and still had a $500 AC bill. I think we turned it on for a total of 5 hours. Ridiculous!!! At least it is cheaper to run it in Vegas. Looking forward to fall!
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