This morning, Tanner and Garry left at 6:00 am to go to a fundraiser for scouts. They will be back tonight sometime. So, Cynjyn asked me if we could make cookies. I had a new recipe for a lemon cookie I wanted to try, so I said sure. So, here she is putting the dough together. Well, it had to be refrigerated for an hour, so while we were waiting, she went off to play at the Hopkins and I started making an apron for preschool on Monday. It will be an alphabet apron.

Since said helper was gone at Hopkins for the day, I rolled the cookies and covered them with powdered sugar and put the first batch in the oven. I took them out when the buzzer rang, set them on the stove to cool and went to get a spatula, turned around and saw the whole pan upside down on the floor:(

Cleaned that mess up and put the second batch in.

Now, back to apron. Can I just remind everyone that we have 6 fairly large people in a fairly small house. So, that being said, my sewing stuff is in the front closet and the basket I need is at the bottom of the stack, so I had to empty the whole closet to get to my one basket, thus causing the dining room to look like the above picture!

Table aka my sewing table looked like this when I started.

Kitchen looked like this as we didn't eat at home last night, so we didn't clean up the kitchen before bed:(

That meant, no dishes were done!

Stove looked like this, clean pots mixed with dirty and one oversized pot on the right whic made the cookie pan off, thus it fell on the floor after the first batch of cookies came out.

In the middle of all this, Taz has a 1:15 football game. So I take him to that (Yes, 1:15 in the MIDDLE of the DAY in LAS VEGAS= HOT!). Well, Garry is the coach and he's out of town, so he has a dad covering for him plus he's taken two of the players with him to the fundraiser instead of coming to the game. But hey, that's o.k. because they'll still have 6 boys which means one sub and 5 playing at all times. Well, only 5 boys show up, it's 106 out and all 5 boys have to play the whole game with no subs!! The other team has 10 players and most of them are bigger than our boys. It looks like we'll be slaughtered, the back up coach tells the boys to just do their best and today's not about winning, just BELIEVE. They end up tying 20-20, going into overtime, holding the opposing team from scoring in OT, getting possesion and scoring on the FIRST play and winning 26-20!! It was so exciting, the boys were so hot and so proud of themselves. Had to stop at DQ on the way home to get Taz his congratulatory ice cream cone!!
Anway, back home to the mess and Garry coming home in a few hours. So I tackle the kitchen and it turns into the above photo.

Stove looks like this and I'm wondering why I didn't do this first (would have two dozen cookies to much on instead of 1).

Put away sewing gear, making the dining room turn into this...

Sew the apron, then clean off the table.

Finished product #1

Finished project #2. Now you'll find me sitting on the couch reading my book looking like my day went perfect when Garry gets home!! Too bad I don't have any Bon Bons. Oh, and good thing the camera lady didn't go near her bedroom...that's a whole other post!!
The cookies look delicious! Where's the post with the recipe? You impressed me with all you did in one day--I think I need to go lay down because I feel exhausted just looking at your pictures and all you did. Oh yeah, nice apron!
Uhhh, this is exactly why I don't cook or sew!!!
Your apron and cookies look so cute!
I'm exhausted just looking at your pictures -- busy and productice day! Miss you tons!!! I agree -- where's the recipe -- I love LEMON!
I've been lurking/peeking/stalking, whatever, through Lindsay's or Debbie D's blogs, so I hope you're okay with me just adding you to my favorites. It will make me feel so much more legitimate when I visit your blog.
That's fine!
What a woman! Just keep chipping away and you can get there! Cute apron--good looking cookies (not the ones on the floor!)
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