Last night was a great night in our family. Talon's girlfriend, Tiffany was baptized. She has been taking the discussions since May and she finally committed to baptism. Her dad was opposed, but she went through with it anyway. It was touch and go for awhile and the baptism was on and off because they really wanted Tiffany's dad's permission. But she was determined to be baptized without it too. Talon was able to baptize her and had to redo it because they thought his arm wasn't a perfect square, but other than that, it went good.

Here they are with Elder Balanzar and Elder Fawcett. Elder Fawcett's been teaching her the longest, but she is particularly close to Elder Tilton who was transfered and couldn't make it. I'll have to post a picture of them with him later...

The whole baptism was very a very spiritual experience. Tiffany had asked me to give the talk on Baptism, which I was so nervous about. I stood up there and looked at her to begin and she just started bawling. Oh, man, was that hard on me!! I managed to maintain my composure until the very end though and even cut it short because the tears had started on my end, but I had to look at her the whole time and she cried the whole time!! Tanner played the piano, Taz gave the opening prayer, Cynjyn helped lead the music and Garry will confirm her tomorrow at church, so it was a real family effort. While Talon and Tiffany were dressing, they had some people in the audience come up and give their conversion story. Sherry Hopkins, our neighbor did hers and Lewis Miranda, Talon's freshman volleyball coach gave his. They were both really good, especially Lewis' because Talon and Tiffany had nonmember friends there and Talon's friends knew Lewis. You couldn't help but feel the spirit as they both spoke.

Lewis' wife, Lindsey made this cake for the occasion. I gave her free reign with Tiffany's favorite colors (brown and yellow) and told her to make it chocolate, because Tiffany loves chocolate. I thought it turned out beautiful and it was delicious and you know I'm not a big chocolate fan, but it had choc. chips in it and a cream cheese frosting! YUMMY, thanks, Lindsey!!

Tiffany's cousin, (far left) and her friend came to support her and Talon's friends RJ and Eric came for him. We gave Tiffany her own engraved set of scriptures and I really thought the whole night was so good!!
Sounds like I jumped the gun and didn't read this blog before I responded to the other one. Beautiful baptism and beautiful story! I hope she resolves things with her dad and is blessed for her decision!
Hey Kim! Wow, this is sooo exciting! It sounds like I've been missing out on lots of your family happenings! I am so happy for Tiffany, Talon, and your family. It's just so neat to read about how this all came together for her. I bet you are so proud of Talon! Congrats to all, love Heather
I'm glad to see she had friends and some family to support her. It's very exciting! Congratulations, Tif! We love you!
That is so neat. I love missionary work! I am so proud of talon for being a good example to her
Congratulations Tiffany! That is cool. Wish I could have been there!
What a neat day! And that is SO cool that Talon was the one to perform the baptism! Congratulations to all!
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