Taz decided to take a short trip to Utah in the middle of all this snow mess. It snowed Wednesday night and he left Thursday right after his work in the temple to head to Utah. I told him to only go to Cedar City and spend the night with Elder Jenkins. Which thankfully he did. He loved his time there and went to work with him at a gym that provided rehabilitation to people with Parkinson's disease and helps them work out and keep the illness at bay. He had a great time helping with that. I get a text from him and Hailey at the BYU volleyball game to say Hi! So I texted him back the photo of Garry and I driving home from Cynjyn's drumline competition to say Hi! back. He had a great time. He had a little mini mission district reunion one night. He went out with Hailey several times which he loved! They went rock climbing and lunch with Chunie and Jens,they had a game night at Chunies with her boyfriend and they made berry cobler, they hiked the Y in the snow and played Uno at the top, they sat in the library and studied (Hailey) and read the Book of Mormon (Taz) for three hours. He hooked up with Lawson one day and they went to lunch and then Lawson showed him around campus and they visited a fun museum. He randomly ran into so many people he knew...old missionary friends, Dexter Wadsworth, Zach Roylance, actual friends from Korea, Ino, friends from High School, Courtney Edington and more friends from his mission, Xander Babbet. He just really had a great time. I'm so glad he was safe from the weather conditions as he went about is trip. He came back with news that he might be going to BYU. It is a great place for him with so many people he knows to love and support him there.

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