Sunday, June 28, 2009
Illness strikes!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hash House a Go Go
They are famous for their 1 lb. burgers, so Garry got the Bacon, Avacado, Cheddar (he and I split. I only ate 1/2 of mine and a quarter of his and I was stuffed!)
Taz got the kids burger and only ate about 1/3 of it.
Cynjyn got the kids grilled chicken and a salad which she didn't like because of the cucumber ranch dressing and all those little tomatoes on top. Here she is before she dug in.
Here she is after eating for about 20 min., stuffed and ready for a box.
Tanner got the swiss, mushroom burger. The beginning...
Towards the end...
Slicked down the burger and all those fries...
AND forked up the last bits of onion, fries and specks of meat!
Mr. Squirmy

I won

Monday, June 22, 2009
Our weekend in a nutshell
Taz and I went and put signs out at 7 and Garry, Tanner and Cynjyn started putting everything out. It was a nice day only a little windy in the afternoon, but pretty cool considering it is the end of June. We sat in the garage and played games while people shopped. Finally at about 3, we cleaned everything up. We made $120.25 for our efforts. The toys hardly sold at all and the kids were kind of sad. We decided to save everything that was left and do another one in the fall closer to Christmas in hopes that the toys will sell a little better.
Friday night was our ward Luah. Cynjyn dressed up in her grass skirt and then had some lei's and flowers for the girls hair. Here are Rebecca, Cynjyn and Sydney. They palled around all night.
Taz hung with Sean, Hansen, Lawson, Alexis and Shae (not in the picture)
They had sack races for the primary kids, Taz won of course. Here is Levi, Hansen and Taz at the starting line.
Hansen and Taz turning to head to the finish.
They also did the LIMBO, here's Cynj
Here's Taz.
Tanner had two little boys glued to him all night. He babysat for the Thatcher's once and Grady and Tate took a liking to him. He entertained them all night. Hopefully others noticed and he might get some babysitting jobs out of it. Actually Sister Nelson asked if he babysat and he said yes. He's really good with the kids as he actually plays with them!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Flashback Friday
These are from July and August 1978, I was 13. I had gone to BYU for an Academy For Girls (like EFY) and this is an entry from one day, in honor of Donnie and Marie being here in Vegas at the Flamingo for $120.00 a ticket:(
JULY 31, 1978:
Today we went to classes and at 7:00 we loaded the busses and went to the "Osmond Studio" and toured it. We saw Donny and Marie's dressing room, the girls guest room and the boys. Outside we saw all of the hand prints of the guest stars including Andy Gibb! We saw the inside props, the ice stage and a whole wall of pictures of their guest stars. Unfortunatly, Donny and Marie weren't there! Oh, it was so neat though. We looked into mirrors and saw how we would look on camera we also was where they practiced in fromt of the mirrors, it was so cute!
AUGUST 7, 1978:
Today we went to the farm and ran through the sprinklers and hauled 150 bales of hay and on the way home, we killed a rattlesnake with 5 rattles. Oh, I hate snakes and I am always scared when Dad kills one.
AUGUST 8, 1978: Today we hauled 266 bales and saw 2 bucks, it's going to be good hunting this year. Last night after we left, Ked rode his bike down to the oat field where they were fishing and a rattlesnake bit him on the foot, but his boot was so thick it didn't go through, thank heavens!
AUGUST 9, 1978: Today everyone went to the farm but me cause I had mutual and tonight we all went bowling and then we went to Shakey's for pizza and now I feel sick, but we had fun all in all!!
AUGUST 12, 1978:Today was Mom's birthday, she's 38. We really didn't celebrate it I think she felt bad:( Today we went to a family reunion at Farewell Bend State Park and we went tubin in the Snake River and that was fun!! Tonight I babysat for Sylvia Preston's grandchildren while she went to her son's wedding reception and I got $3.00 for 3 kids and 2 hours. I have to give a talk tomorrow in SM on the Academy.
AUGUST 14, 1978: My talk went very well and people said it sounded like fun. Julie came back from vacation yesterday and today I went to her house and we played games then she went with us up to Emigrant Park for FHE and we had a picnic. Tomorrow I have to get up at 7:30 and babysit for Eileen Furguson until 12 pm. Oh, her kids are so bratty and whinny and I hate to babysit for her, oh well.
AUGUST 14, 1978: Today I did babysit for Eileen from 8-12 and from 1:30-5:30 and I got $6.50. It was even pretty fun!
That's it for flashback Friday.

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Calgary continued:
Here I am on a platform stadium, winning the GOLD!
An olympic statue
Oh yeah, we did go up the hill and practiced our jumping...just like on Wii fit:)
Check out his form.
When we were driving back into town, we saw this crowd at Pete's Drive-in, we wondered what the heck was so good there to draw this big of a crowd (we had driven by the night before and it was actually huger, but we didn't snap the picture then),
Then we saw the sign, apparently they have good shakes, we had to be at the airport in an hour so we didn't stop, and we'd already spent all our canadian money and they only took cash, well, maybe next time.
Saturday, we spent the day in Banff, it is about 100 km from Calgary and is a national park. It reminded me a lot of Wallowa Lake, only I do believe that Wallowa was much prettier. Garry said it reminded him of Yellowstone, only Yellowstone is way better and has a lot more to do. We ate lunch in a Mexican Restaurant that someone from Garry's training had recommended. It was o.k., but really not the best I've ever had!
After lunch, we went up the Gondola, you can see it behind me and the mountain we're going to go up. We could hike up it (8.2 km), or take the gondola for $30.00.
They had a glacier that you could go tour, we didn't because it was another hour and a half away, but these are the glacier ice machines that they use to get around on it...they were massive!
On our way up.
The view from the top.
They had a weather station that some guy hiked up to in the late 1800's for 43 years and lived up there and took notes on the weather and storms. He lived in the station that is what is behind us on the hill.
Once we got down the mountain, we drove around and we saw these mountain goats right outside our car window on a switchback mountain we were going up. We also saw a huge Mountain sheep ram, but couldn't stop until we were down the switchback, so he was too hard to get a picture of.
Here is Garry with the mountain we'd just been on with the gondola behind him.
We went to a famous sight called the Hoodoos, these are them, just giant rocks. The river below was green, I personally like my rivers blue, clear and sparkling.
We went to downtown Calgary and toured this mansion that was 14,000 sq. ft. It was built in the late 1800's and was home to a famous politician. The historical society had just aquired it four years ago and so it was in the process of being renovated and turned into a museum. It was cool looking on the outside.
It has four stories and only the bottom three were opened to the public. They had these gorgeous stained glass windows, this one of the elk was my favorite! They didn't have furniture in most of the rooms. It will be nice when it's all done. And that concludes our trip. We had a busy, fun weekend and got back Sunday night about 11 pm. It is nice to be home!