I put this old picture of me and my brothers into adobe and came out with this. I thought it spruced it up a bit. This picture was taken when we lived in Missoula Montana for a year. My dad was a college professor and he would get sabatacles to different places. We were able to live in different states for a year at a time. I only remember him doing this when we were younger. I don't think he did this once they had all five kids. The things I remember about this picture is that my nose was sunburned and had been peeling. you probably can't see this in the picture, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Randy, Robert, Me probably around 1973 or 1972? I'm not sure when we lived in Montana. Mom can verify in the comments:)
How fun to have lived in different places--I lived in CA and NV, that's it! I think I need a sabbatical!
this was the year Randy started kindegarden, so he would have been 5--1976 I always loved that picture!
I loved Montana, the only time I visited, spring break 1971, was Bozeman, aging myself, I know, but I enjoyed the country and atmosphere.
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