Garry left Sunday for a week long training in Calgary Canada. His company is paying his way. He gets free hotel, plane ticket, $110/day food perdium. So we had the idea that I would fly down half way through and stay with him. It would be a fun vacation. All we would have to pay is my plane ticket and then rent a car for the weekend. My plan was to fly there Wednesday and we'd both fly back Sunday. So, Garry left Sunday without a hitch. He had a layover in SLC, and I would, he would go through customs and I would, so he was calling me and telling me little things to do to speed things up all the way. Tuesday came and I was to leave the next morning at 10:40 am. Talon had been in Indiana for a week and got back late Monday night. Cynjyn wanted one last play date with her friend Kayla at her house, so I took her there at 5 and was going to pick her up at 8. I took Taz and Tanner to scouts and mutual, went to Albertsons and got some cereal with my coupons (8 boxes for $9.00), then went to pick up Tanner and Taz. I decided to get Cynjyn a little early since I was out and about. When we got to Kayla's we found out that Cynjyn and Kayla had been on a walk with Kayla's friend. That friend was on a bike, he wasn't paying attention and ran into Cynj and knocked her forward into the cement. She landed on her wrist and scrapped up both palms, knees and elbows. Her left wrist was really hurting and she couldn't use it. Great, now what was I going to do. I was scheduled to leave the next morning. I quickly ran her up to urgent care. We got there at 8:10 and it closed at 8. So we went home and wrapped it to give it some stability and gave her some motrin for the pain and she went to bed. I woke her and Talon up the next morning and we were at urgent care when they opened at 8 am. I explained that I had to leave by 9:15 to catch a plane and was bringing my son to take over her care if we weren't done in time. They had me sign a release and we were off. They xrayed the wrist, it was just badly sprained and they gave her a splint to wear for the next 7 days. We were signing out at 9:15. We ran home, got my bags and Talon dropped me off at the airport. It took forever to sign in and check in my bag even though I had done online checkin. I made it to the terminal just as they were boarding my zone. Luckily I had assigned seats so I didn't have to worry about any of that. I made it to SLC and found my connection. Our plane was a little late, so I hadn't eaten since 7:30 am and it was now 2. I was in line to get a sandwich and they started boarding, so I got out of line and got onto a small plane and we were on our way to Calagary. Garry had informed me that I just had to go through customs and wouldn't have to go through immigration. When I got to customs they said there was something wrong and I needed to go to immigration. When I got there they asked me a bunch of weird questions: Why didn't I take a direct flight? Why did my husband come before me? Where did he work? Why was he here? What did I do at LV? How many kids did I have? Where were they? Did I have my return ticket? etc. Then they stamped my passport and told me I could only stay until July 30, then I had to leave. I finally got my bag and found my bay and called my hotel to get a free shuttle to the hotel. When I got in the shuttle van, I was the only one and the traffic was awful. The bus driver told me the street lights were broken and that's why the traffic was so bad. He said the hotel was only 5 min. away and it took us 35 min. to get there!! Anyway, now I'm here. I was looking forward to a relaxing days. Garry leaves at 8 each morning and gets back from his training at 6, so I had two full days to spend here. We will go sight seeing this weekend.

Here is Cynjyn with her splint.

I get to the hotel and here is my view. We are in the middle of nowhere! There is nothing within walking distance for me to do or see. The hotel is so new that they are still building floors on it. I had big plans to work out, swim, sit in the hot tub, things like that to kill the time. We went looking for these rooms and found out that they are not finished yet, therefore they are not open!! argghh. But they do have a nice breakfast open 5-11am and they have a bunch of DVD's that you can checkout and watch in your room!! So, here is where I spend my days.

Our bathroom has a funky showere and a TV that you can watch while in the big soaker tub. I guess that will take the place of my hot tub.

We have a suite so we have a little living room with a mini kitchen.

Here's our bed.

Here's our big screen TV and the separation from the bedroom to the sitting area.

Here's my little desk where I am blogging away happily!! I am in my workout clothes, I guess I'll go run up and down the stairs awhile, no, wait, that doesn't sound fun! I'm off to watch Austrailia, hope it's good!! More to come as the adventure continues...
Wow! What an adventure before you left! I hope Cynjyn will be okay and heal quickly! And what an adventure there! Hopefully you'll find lots to do and not go crazy in your hotel room!
I was worn out just reading what you went through. Poor Cynjyn! I expect to see you blog more since that's all you have to do. :o) Have fun!
Wow, what a start to what is supposed to be a relaxing get-a-way!
Typical of how "what can go wrong, will go wrong" - Murphy's law? I had to laugh at your experience in customs, they ask questions that you want to tell them they are dumb questions but you know that will only make them ask even more... you can't win. Enjoy your lovely hotel's f r e e .
Hope Cynjyn is better--I'm sure she wasn't happy to see you jet off into the sunset while she was injured!
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