Taz has been exposed to the SWINE FLU! No kidding. A boy in our ward (who shall remain nameless) whom Taz went to the Father's and Sons outing with while we were in Calgary, was diagnosed with it. He had a mild fever for two days and that was all. Never the less, Taz was around him. So here we are playing a game with Taz banned to the corner...then...

...he coughs and we all take flight!! Holy sickness Batman!!

Then, this is the local news headline on our opening page on the internet!! Holy bad news batman!!
Well, this is no laughing matter!! Keep your eye on Taz! Good luck to all of you!
Yuk. cough cough & sore throat. I agree with Gwen.
Poor Taz! The gang at the table look like bandits ready to go out and rob a stagecoach! :O)
Very serious! But, who can help but laugh at the pictures? You guys are so funny!
Oh man, poor guy! We'll hope he doesn't get it!
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