Our usually picnic area for the summer is at Marley Creek, but since they were logging it this year, we had to do our picnic at the 480. The road is rutty to get up there and the land is very rocky and the trees are not close to the main road. So we parked on Billy's land and picniced under his little group of trees. We met Billie Jo and Joe and JennieLynn up there for the day. Jennie is truly a pioneer woman and braved the day with a week old baby!! We were so glad to see them and spend the day together!

We had a picnic in the early afternoon after visiting all morning.

The kids played a lot of cards in the back of the Suburban and

We got to meet Baby Avery. She was such a cutie and a very good girl!

Plenty of shade for the picnic.

Grandpa took the kids across the road to the actual 480 to do some shooting.

It took awhile, but Hannah warmed up to the kids and they had a great afternoon together.

Towards the end of the day, everyone wanted to hold Avery.

Here's Jennie and her cute little family!

And here's my aunt Billie Jo with mom.

The kids were so bummed to hear that Grandpa forgot the helmets for the 4 wheelers!!

The view was beautiful, the kids were sad to leave Hannah and want to see her again next summer.

We surely need to do this more often! Here's mom, Krissy, me, Billie and Jennie.
Beautiful! I'm jealous (as usual) of the fun places you go.
I wish I could have been there. Look at that sweet baby!
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