Today, I am grateful for these two cutie patooties!! They have been practicing for over a month now to be in the primary children's choir for Stake Conference. They both wanted to participate and have been going to the church Sunday evenings for practices. They looked so cute as they got ready for church this morning and they really learned a lot from the stake lady who directed them. She even told them what to eat and not eat/drink before their performance. The choir sounded awesome and these two looked so beautiful up there!!
What a great experience for them and they look so grown-up!
Your memories of them now, young, cute and obedient will help in later years :)
I am so proud of them-I have always wished I could sing,and I am encouraging them to sing every chance they get! And, they are beautiful no matter what they are doing! Go Taz and Cynjyn!
Wow, I would have loved to hear it!
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