I am grateful for chocolate. Truly, I could eat something chocolate all day every day. I am not a fan of chocolate cake and real chocolaty desserts, but I am a fan of chocolate candy. 100 Grands, Almond M & M's, Milky Ways, Peppermint patty's...I could go on and on... I don't eat a lot of it now and this is a Snickers the kids gave me from Halloween, and I wanted more, but I resisited. I love chocolate!!
I didn't know you were such a chocolate fan! One mini choc a day won't kill you--in fact, it's supposed to bre good for you--especially dark chocolate, which is harder to love!
Yup, Gwen is right, dark chocolate is actually good for us!
100 Grands are my favorite and I claim to not like chocolate. I rationed them when giving them out at Halloween so I'd have some for me.
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