I am grateful for jounals, scrapbooks and blogs. They all tell my story. I started my own journal when I was 8 and was pretty regular until I started having kids. Then, life got busy and I always wanted an easy way to journal. Then, when Talon was a baby, I discovered scrapbooking. Below are my three places in the house where I keep my scrapbooks. I have a lot, but haven't really scrapbooked for a couple of years. It does make me so happy though when I see one of my children sitting on the couch with a stack of scrapbooks next to them! Then came the wonderful world of blogging. It combines both journaling and scrapbooking and what could be more fun and easy. I love blogging and looking at other peoples blogs. I am grateful for this fun, easy way of chronicling my life.
I am enjoying your gratitude blogs! And, I have aways loved your scrapbooks! Keep up the good work!
I totally agree--I'm grateful for blogging, too.
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