I'm grateful for my talent. I took a tole painting class when I was in college at BYU and just took off from there. Luckily, Garry took an interest and purchased "tools" so he could cut and sand my wood for me thus making my hobby less expensive. When I was a young mother with little kids, I would paint as a way to relax and rid my frustrations that sometimes come with raising children. I always figured that once my kids were a little older, and I had more time on my hands, that I would paint and paint and paint. Well, that isn't happening. I have time, but not a lot of energy. Also, my house is full to the brim with my past decorations. At my peak as I painted a couple new things every year, I always said I'd have a bigger house someday and thus everything would fit. Well, that isn't happening either. So, I just take out my old stuff every year and am grateful for the time I was able to put into developing my talent.
I'm grateful for your fun talent too. Your house always looks way cute!
Cute stuff! I have never liked tole painting even though I tried to like it. I get frustrated with it for some reason. I'm grateful that people like you enjoy doing that sort of thing so I can look at how cute the stuff is.
I love your painting! And, I'm glad you passed some of that knowledge and talent on to Ky and Kris. Sorry, it is impossible to pass it on to me! You didn't get your talent from your mom!
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