I am so grateful for books. They can really take you places you normally wouldn't go. I have always liked to read, but after college, I was kind of stuck in a rut. I would read the same authors: John Grisham, Mary Higgins Clark and James Patterson and LaVyrle Spencer. That was o.k., but I never ventured out. Then...I joined a book club and that was the best thing for me. I was forced to read new authors and new books and because of that, I have read all of these exciting and wonderful books that I probably wouldn't have discovered without the help of book club. Now there are so many books I want to read, and that list is a lot longer than my time I have to read. I wish I was a fast reader, but I 'm not. Garry can pop out about 3 books a week. I am reading a book right now, and granted it is over 600 pages, but I have been reading it for 4 weeks! Anyway, these are my favorite books we've read in book club over the past 7 years:

I wish I lived where you do so I could go to book club with you--I know you have fun times! I've read a lot of the books you recommended, and am glad you got the ideas from your book club!
I coulnd't agree more about loving to read and taking you places you wouldn't normally go. As for reading slow, I think of it as getting my money's worth. why pay $$ and get through it in two days? I love the classics too, Hemmingway is my fav older author.
I love reading and luckily am a fast reader. Thanks for posting books you read--I like 5 star reviews.
Do you think These is My Words is coming out with a movie soon? I've always been interested by the title.
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