Garry had the brilliant idea of waiting until the end of summer to do Tanner's Court of Honor. We had tried to get it done at the beginning, but it just wasn't coming together. If Taz and Cynjyn stayed in Oregon for two weeks and came back with family, they would be here for Tanner's eagle AND Taz's ordination as a deacon. So on Friday the 13th we had the CofH. Lindsey made this fun cake for the occasion. I wish I had the talent, but I just don't!

Talon gave an eagle charge.

Taz did the scout oath and law.

Here we are pinning the badge on Tanner.

I told him he'd better hug me after he gave me the mother's pin! He said he was already planning on it!

Then he gave a little talk.

Here's the eagles nest.

Taz did opening and closing flag ceremony.

It was such a short evening. The whole thing was done and over in 20 min. But that's o.k. I had a little display table set up with Tanner's pictures, blanket and scrapbooks.

Mom made him this eagle blanket during the summer and we are so glad Grandma and Grandpa support our kids and came up for such a special occasion.

The cousins too!

Love that boy!

More support from family!

Thanks to everyone who helped with the project too!
We were so glad that it worked out that we could come.. TAnner is such an outstanding boy and we are very proud of him! I was nice to see Talan again, too and to have him participate Congratulations, again, Tanner.
Way to go Tanner! After being a scout leader for a year, I know that it takes a lot of work to make it that far! So sad I couldn't be there, but it looks like everything managed to go well without me :)
Sooo proud of our Eagle Scouts!!! Way to go, Tanner! (even if you were under a lot of "pressure" from a certain someone:)
We were so glad you had it at the end of summer. That worked out perfectly.
p.s. Grandma is on a lot of medication, so you will have to pardon her spelling. :)
What a great accomplishment! He needs to ensure this is on every resume he fills out for the rest of his life. It is that important to other Eagle Scouts out in the working world. I'm sure you as parents had a lot to do with it.
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